Sophia Latjuba Tetap Tampak Cantik Meskipun Tanpa Make Up

Sophia Latjuba tanpa make up. Foto : Instagram.

Artis Sophia Latjuba tampak tampil cantik meskipun tanpa make up. Foto kecantikan Sophia Latjuba tanpa make up ini di-posting di akun instagram @sophia_latjuba88.

Pada foto itu, nampak Sophia mengenakan tank top hitam dengan rambut dibiarkan terurai sebahu. Sophia nampak cantik dan seksi meskipun tanpa make up. Foto tersebut diambil di kamar, dan Sophia duduk di atas kasur.

Lirikan mata Sophia menambah cantik foto tanpa make up ini.

Sophia menuliskan caption untuk fotonya di instagram seperti berikut :
This is how I look unedited and without make up. You see those little wrinkles under my eyes and between my brows, the pimple above my lip, the unruly hair? I'm far from looking like a perfect 10 and I know that these exterior qualities are those I am judged by the most.
But who cares.
This is the sum of me.
Behind those wrinkles are years and years of happiness, sadness, hardship, lessons, wisdom, darkness and light. The life of being a daughter, a mother, a teacher, an imperfect spouse, a friend, a lover, a giver, a taker.
This is the sum of me.
Don't hide who you are. Be true to yourself and love all those little imperfections. Those who truly love you will value them and will continue to support you to be a light in this world.
Pada akun instagramnya, Sophia memang banyak mem-posting foto yang tanpa make up. Artis yang menyukai yoga ini juga mem-posting foto ketika yoga.

Foto Sophia setelah yoga. Foto : Instagram.

Foto Sophia ketika yoga. Foto : Instagram.

Foto Sophia ketika melakukan yoga membalikan badan.
Foto : Instagram.

Selain ketika sedang melakukan yoga, ketika menunggu juga Sophia ternyata suka selfie. Nampak ketika bosan menunggu, Sophia melakukan selfie.

Selfie Sophia Latjuba. Foto : Instagram.

Selfie Sophia Latjuba ketika bosan menunggu. Foto : Instagram.

Selain tanpa make up, foto Sophia dengan riasan nampak lebih cantik dan seksi seperti foto berikut.

Words are not enough to express the unconditional love
that exist between a mother and a daughter. Foto : Instagram.

Itulah foto-foto Sophia Latjuba tanpa make up dan dengan riasan.
Sophia Latjuba Tetap Tampak Cantik Meskipun Tanpa Make Up Sophia Latjuba Tetap Tampak Cantik Meskipun Tanpa Make Up Reviewed by Ghost Ships on 12:11 PM Rating: 5

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